Information about Park Power’s Natural Gas Supply Service for Residential Customers

Introductory Natural Gas Supply Service Rate: Park Power’s introductory rate stated below is valid only for newly enrolled Park Power residential customers for the first three billing periods after enrollment. At the conclusion of the first three billing periods, the natural gas supply rate you are charged will vary each billing cycle based on the factors stated below. There is no limit on how much the price of your natural gas supply service may change from one billing cycle to the next. 

Contract Term (Duration): Your contract will be in effect  for 24 months unless either you or Park Power terminates the contract.

Pricing Mechanism: You will pay a price that may vary from month to month as determined by Park Power in its sole discretion, based on the wholesale cost of natural gas from the NYMEX exchange (including commodity, capacity, storage and balancing), and transportation,  plus all applicable taxes, fees, charges or other assessments, market conditions and Park Power’s costs, expenses and margins. This list of factors is not exhaustive and no single factor will determine the rate. There is no cap or maximum rate per therm/MCF/CCF that Park Power can charge and no limit on how much the price of your natural gas supply service may change from one billing cycle to the next.

RESIDENTIAL Natural Gas Supply Price Comparison Information

Park Power NJ License#: GSL0180

These rates are valid for sales made during September 2021. 

The prices stated in the table below include all monthly fixed and variable charges related to natural gas generation supply service.

Information about Park Power’s Electric Generation Supply Service for Residential Customers

Introductory Electric Generation Supply Service Rate: Park Power’s introductory rate stated below is valid only for newly enrolled Park Power residential customers for the first three billing periods after enrollment. At the conclusion of the first three billing periods, the electric generation supply rate you are charged will vary each billing cycle based on the factors stated below. There is no limit on how much the price of your electric generation service may change from one billing cycle to the next.

Contract Term (Duration): Your contract will remain in effect for 24 months unless either you or Park Power terminates the contract.

Pricing Mechanism: You will pay a price that may vary from month to month as determined by Park Power in its sole discretion based on the following factors: the cost of electricity obtained from the PJM Interconnection (including energy, capacity, prior period balancing, settlement, ancillaries), related transmission and distribution charges, renewable energy requirements, plus all applicable taxes, fees, charges or other assessments and Park’s costs, expenses and margins.. This list of factors is not exhaustive and no single factor will determine the rate. There is no cap or maximum rate per kWh that Park Power can charge and no limit on how much the price of your electric generation supply service may change from one billing cycle to the next.

RESIDENTIAL Electric Generation Supply Price Comparison Information

Park Power NJ License#: ESL0230

These rates are valid for sales made during September 2021.

The prices stated in the table below include all monthly fixed and variable charges related to electric generation supply service.