Q: What do I need to do to enroll?
You need your name, address and your electric or gas bill to enroll with Park Power. To enroll, you must have the authority to make electricity or gas usage decisions about the account you wish to enroll.
Q: How do I enroll with Park Power?
You may enroll by…
- calling Park Power toll-free: 1-855-780-7275
- or visiting us at www.parkpower.com
Q: Do I have to notify my current supplier that I’ve switched electricity or gas suppliers?
No, you do not have to contact your current supplier; our system automatically notifies them.
Q: What happens after I enroll?
Depending on your state and utility, it can take anywhere from 3 business days to two billing cycles (60 days) for the switch from your electric or gas provider to Park Power to be complete.
There is no equipment installation required to switch to Park Power. You will not notice any difference in your electricity or gas service. Your electricity or gas utility will continue to deliver electricity or gas to your home and to bill you for your electricity or gas usage. The only difference you may notice is one line on your electric or gas bill indicating that Park Power is now your electricity or gas supplier, along with your rate per kilowatt Hour (or Ccf for gas) and the charge that corresponds to your metered electricity or gas usage for that bill’s cycle. You should pay your bill as normal, to your electricity or gas utility. You will receive no bill from Park Power.
Q: Will I lose power during the switch from my current energy provider to Park Power?
No. There is no equipment change or installation required. We guarantee no service interruption when switching to Park Power.
Q: Is there any charge to enroll or to cancel service with Park Power?
No. There is no charge to enroll or to cancel service with Park Power.
Q: How long does it take to switch from my utility company to Park Power?
Depending on your state and utility, it can take anywhere from 3 business days to two billing cycles (60 days) for the switch from your electric or gas provider to Park Power to be complete.
Q: Can I cancel my service before I start being charged by Park Power?
You can cancel your services with Park Power at any time, free of charge. Depending on where in the billing cycle you request to cancel service with us, you may need to finish out the current monthly billing cycle before switching back to your utility.
Q: What happens to my electricity or gas contract after my fixed-rate term expires?
When you are within the time period of a fixed-rate contract, the price you pay for the supply of one kilowatt Hour of electricity or Ccf for gas (your “rate”) remains constant, or the same, for the entire term of the contract. When your term is coming to an end, Park Power reaches out to you, to let you know what great rates are available for you to roll seamlessly into.
Q: Can I get this in writing?
Upon signing up with us, you will receive a Welcome Letter containing detailed terms and conditions that will document and fully explain your enrollment with us.
Q: How do I know that my fixed rate won’t change?
Your Welcome Letter containing your terms and conditions will clearly state your fixed rate and that it will not change within your term agreement.
Q: What happens to my rate of electricity or gas at the end of my service contract with Park Power?
Near the end of your contract, you will receive a notice from us letting you know your contract is almost expired. We will let you know what great rates are available at that time for you to roll seamlessly into.
Q: Where are the disclosure sheets for the rate plans?
The disclosure sheets for your rate plan can be found on our website, in your Welcome Letter, or you can request a copy by calling us at 1-855-780-7275.
Q: How often will my rate change?
If you have a fixed-rate plan, your rate will remain the same through the time period of your fixed-rate contract. At the end of the time period of the fixed-rate contract, you will be contacted by Park Power with another fixed rate plan to best meet your needs.
Q: What does “price to compare” mean?
There are two components to your electricity or gas service: 1) the purchase of the electricity or gas itself, and 2) the delivery of the electricity or gas to your home. Before deregulation of the energy market, you bought both the electricity or gas itself and its delivery to your home from the electric or gas utility company. After deregulation, you have the choice to purchase the electricity or gas itself from an electricity or gas supplier that is not your electric or gas utility company.
So that you, as a consumer, can make an informed decision about your electricity or gas purchases, the electricity or gas utility company separates the charge for the purchase of the energy itself, from the rest of the distribution charges so that when you compare electricity or gas suppliers’ rates, you are comparing “apples to apples.” The price-to-compare, quoted from any electricity or gas supplier or utility, is the dollar amount per kilowatt Hour that they charge for electricity, or Ccf for gas – in other words, your “rate.”
Q: What if I have questions about my electricity or gas bill?
Your electricity or gas utility company is responsible for billing you, however, Park Power can try and answer questions you may have. Give us a call at 1-855-780-7275.
Q: Why are there different rates available from Park Power?
Park Power offers different types of plans to customers, based on their needs. A variable-rate plan offers a rate that may go up or down monthly. A fixed-rate plan offers the security of a rate that will stay the same through the term of the contract. There is never a charge to enroll, cancel or switch plans with Park Power, so you should choose the plan that best meets your needs.
Q: Will my bill go down after I switch?
Your electricity or gas supply rate – the rate charged by Park Power – is only one component of your electric or gas bill. Other factors that contribute to your bill are taxes, delivery charges and the amount of electricity or gas you use in the billing cycle. These are not determined by Park Power. If your electricity or gas supply rate is lower with Park Power than with your previous electricity or gas supplier, and all other factors remained the same, then your electric or gas bill will go down with Park Power. If you use more electricity or gas because, for example, there are more people in the house, or because of the outside temperature you are using more heat or more air conditioning, then your bill will probably go up. But if your electricity or gas supply rate with Park Power is lower than your rate would have been with your electricity or gas utility company, then your bill will be lower than it would have been, had you remained a customer of your electricity or gas utility company.
Q: Whom do I call for service?
Your electricity or gas utility company is responsible for distribution and any problems with distribution, such fallen lines or poles, or a power outage. Call them if you have a problem with your electricity or gas itself, if you don’t receive a bill, if you think your bill is incorrect, if you have a power outage or if you have damage to the lines or poles around your home. To enroll or to cancel service with Park Power, or with any questions about the supply portion of your bill, call Park Power at 1-855-780-7275.
Q: Do I have to contact my current provider to cancel service with them and let them know I am enrolling with Park Power as my electricity or gas supplier?
No. When you enroll with Park Power, your current electricity or gas utility company is notified to switch your service to Park Power, so you never have duplicate service, and you only have to make one phone call.
Q: Will I get a separate bill from Park Power after I switch?
No. Your electricity or gas utility company will continue to bill you, the same as always. On your bill, there will be a line showing that your electricity or gas supplier is now Park Power. You pay the one bill.
Q: Why should I switch from my utility company to Park Power?
Park Power is an alternative electricity or gas supplier that provides the energy you use every day. Not only do we offer variable and long term, fixed rate plans that differ from your current utility, we have a several reward programs that put money back into your pocket and give back to your community. These plans may fit your needs better than your utility company’s plans.In addition, your utility company’s rate can change every three months. Park Power offers long term, fixed-rate contracts that are guaranteed for the length of your agreement with us, providing you with the assurance and reliability you need to manage your energy budget.
Q: What is deregulation?
Energy has been deregulated in 21 or 22 states since the late 1990’s. Before deregulation, one company (your “utility company”) in each region supplied electricity or gas to consumers. Because there was only once source of electricity or gas in each region, consumers did not have a choice of which electricity or gas company to buy their utilities from. They were stuck with whatever the utility company’s going rate was for electricity or gas. To encourage competition and consumer choice, the state governments started deregulating the electricity and gas industry in the latter part of the last century. Deregulation allows independent supply companies, such as Park Power, to purchase energy from generation companies and sell it to consumers. It also allows independent supply companies to offer consumers a choice of different kinds of electricity or gas plans. For example, Park Power offers different rates for different lengths of time, several rewards programs that put cash back in your pocket, and a commitment to give back to the community where you live.
Q: What is the advantage of switching to an alternative electricity or gas supplier?
Both traditional utility companies and alternative (or “independent”) electricity or gas suppliers sell electricity or gas to consumers. The difference between the traditional and the alternative electricity or gas supplier is that the alternative supplier offers a variety of plans with different characteristics. With the ability to choose from among a variety of different plans offered by the alternate electricity or gas supplier, you are more likely to find one that meets your needs better than the standard offer from the traditional utility company. For example, Park Power offers different rates for different lengths of time, several rewards programs that put cash back in your pocket, and a commitment to give back to the community where you live.
Q: Where do I find out more information about energy deregulation?
You may call your state’s public utility agency or visit it online to more information about energy deregulation.
The Pennsylvania Utility Commission (PUC) can be reached at 1-800-692-7380 or www.puc.state.pa.us.
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities can be reached at 1-800–624-0241 or http://www.state.nj.us/bpu/.
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio: 180 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215-3793 or call toll free 1-800-686-7826.
Public Service Commission of Maryland: 6 St. Paul Street #1600 Baltimore, MD 21202 or call 410-767-8000.
Illinois Commission of Commerce: 527 East Capitol Avenue Springfield, IL 62701 or call toll free 1-800-524-0795.
Q: How will switching to Park Power affect my electricity or gas bill?
Your utility company will continue to charge you for the distribution of your electricity or gas and the associated taxes and fees. Park Power will charge you only for the supply portion of your bill, or in other words, the purchase price of the electricity or gas itself. Just as before, your bill will increase or decrease based on your electricity or gas use on a monthly basis. If your rate with Park Power is lower than your previous rate, then your bill for the same amount of electricity or gas use will decrease. Conversely, if you used the same amount of electricity or gas at a higher rate, your bill will increase.
Q: What if I have questions about my electricity or gas bill?
Your electricity or gas utility company manages your bill, however, we may be able to shed some light on a question you may have. Give us a call!
Q: Will I get a separate bill from Park Power after I switch?
No, you will get one electricity or gas bill from your utility company for each account, the same as before. The charges for the supply of your electricity or gas will appear on that bill. Park Power will not bill you separately.
Q: Who is Park Power?
We are an energy supply company that can offer you alternative electricity or gas supply plans for the energy you use every day. Not only do we offer variable and fixed rate plans that differ from your current utility, we have a several reward programs that put money back into your pocket and give back to your community. Like your utility, we have the ability to purchase energy from energy generation companies. Our purchasing is done in bulk which gives us the ability to offer you very competitive rates. Though you are enrolling with us as your supplier, your utility company remains the same and continues to own the energy infrastructure you see around you i.e., power lines. We simply work with your utility to distribute energy to customers such as yourself.
Q: Does Park Power have a license to sell me electricity or gas?
Yes. Park Power is licensed by the government to supply electricity or gas in 6 states. Our service area is growing quickly, so check back often to find out about new areas we will service in the near future.
Q: How do I contact Park Power?
Email: info@parkpower.com
Telephone: (610) 971-9000 or toll free 1-855-780-7275.
Fax: (610) 971-4895
Park Power, LLC
2098 West Chester Pike
Suite 200
Broomall, PA 19008