Empowering Illinois With Choices for Utilities
By working with utility providers, Park Power provides highly competitive, fixed rates – and millions of Illinois residents are eligible.
Park Power is proud to have entered the Land of Lincoln to bring low, fixed-rate competitive plans to millions of Illinois residents in the ComED territory. Our competitive Illinois electric rates will help those who are eligible save on their utility bills.
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Download Park Power’s 2020 Rate Report
Com Ed Current Price to Compare can be found here.
How It Works
As an alternative electric supplier, Park Power purchases energy in bulk. Then we offer fixed rate plans to our customers You get the best of both worlds: your utility provides the same reliable service. Park Power provides the electricity.
We connect you with low-cost, local rates.
Simply enter your zip code in our rate finder and your low, fixed rate pops up. If you like what you see, gather your utility bill and follow our online directions. Rest assured your utility will still be your energy provider—your bill still comes from them. But the energy comes to Park Power.
The switch is made remotely.
Switching to Park Power is truly hassle-free! There are no special hook ups, no service calls, no fees. Since service is still supplied by your traditional utility, there is no delay and no noticeable change in service—except for your new monthly rate for your electricity or natural gas supply.